Kline, Roe Statement on Labor Department's Persuader Rule

Press Release

Date: March 23, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN) and Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions Subcommittee Chairman Phil Roe (R-TN) today issued the following statement in response to the Department of Labor's final "persuader" rule:

Once again, the Obama administration is playing politics with the policies that shape our country's workforce. This new regulation dramatically changes long-standing rules to benefit union bosses at the expense of workers and job creators.

This rule will chill employer free speech and make it harder for small business owners to navigate a host of complex labor rules. What the rule won't do is impose the same harmful consequences on organized labor. By protecting unions from these onerous and invasive reporting requirements, the administration has made it clear they're not interested in fair or democratic union elections. They're interested in tilting the balance of power toward union interests--no matter the costs.

As is often the case with this administration, this regulatory scheme will hurt American workers the most. The decision to join or not join a union is an important one, and workers have the right to hear from both sides of the debate before making their decision. This regulation will stifle that debate and undermine the ability of workers to make a fully informed decision. We intend to push back against this rule and do what's necessary to protect the rights of workers and employers.
