Issue Position: Reduce the Size of Government

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

The Natural progress of things is for Liberty to yield and Government to gain ground
- Thomas Jefferson
When the Government Fears the People we have Liberty; When the People Fear the Government We have Tyranny
- Thomas Jefferson
The Founding Fathers had created a Government Big enough to protect its citizens but Small enough to allow its citizens freedom - "That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." Today we live in fear of Government being intrusive with Over Regulations, NSA Spying on us without our Consent, the IRS Scandal, over taxation…. just to name a few…..Is this what our Founding Fathers envisioned for us? "A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor and bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
"That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right, it is the
duty of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government."
- Thomas Jefferson
Maybe we should question the size of our government today and the direction it is going!!!????
When we balance the budget as shown above we automatically reduce the size of government. If the funds
are not available government must be cut….and you cut what is not Constitutionally funded first.

Abolish the Federal Reserve or at the very least have them Controlled by Congress

The Federal Reserve is a private bank (much confusion here) that is not audited by the Federal Government. In fact some may say that they are more powerful than the Federal Government because they are not subjected to checks and balances. No one knows how much the Federal Reserve profits creating money from thin air (called Fiat Money) It ranges from $80 billion per year to almost $1 Trillion per year…no one knows for sure which is disgusting. America Deserves better than this!!!
"I believe banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
- Thomas Jefferson
The Federal Reserve needs to be abolished because it is an unelected, unaccountable fourth branch of Government that has gotten out of control and may be more powerful than Congress. The Federal Reserve's powers belong to Congress (We The People) as stated in the Constitution and was handed to a Private Bank with no oversight. Another criticism, if unconstitutionality isn't enough, is the consequences. Bailouts, Tarp, deficit spending, Government corruption, unhealthy marriage between Banks & Government, NO accountability or auditing from elected officials. The issue of money is too important to relegate to bureaucrats; there needs to be accountability, and it needs to be under the watchful eye of We The People, not hidden in some back room. The power belongs back in Congress.

Abolish the IRS

Why can't the Treasury Department assume their responsibility….they did before 1913? Is the IRS a bully Agency? Most Americans fear the IRS and that should never be the case.

Abolish the EPA

The EPA creates regulations and litigation to just oppose land uses and slows down development of new ideas. No one wants to destroy our Environment. We need solutions to the problems of today; not road blocks. The
States can handle all these issues individually as long as they don't violate Federal Law.

Abolish the Department of Education

Return the Power back to the Individual States. How can a Federal Government better Educate the children than
Local Governments? The answer is they can't but they sure like to influence States by dangling the cash as
Incentives to Play-the-Game.

Abolish the Department of Energy

The Department of Energy has long strayed from its legitimate mission of promoting energy security and
environmental management, venturing beyond basic research into attempts at commercializing preferred
technologies--a practice far better left to the private sector.

Abolish Department of Transportation

Since completion of the Interstate Highway System in the early 1980s, advocates for continuing Washington's outsize role in transportation policy have invented new missions to justify further federal spending on highways and transit. It is long overdue for Congress to return most of these activities, and the associated resources, to states and localities, where they once were lodged. Put another way, it is time for
governors to take back these responsibilities.

Eliminate Ridiculous Wasted Government Money

We need to ask Congress how they can spend our money on the following:

1- $2.6 million to train Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job.
2- $146 million upgrading federal employees to business class on flights per year
3- $3 billion adding sand to American beaches yearly
4- $10 million to remake "Sesame Street" for Pakistan
5- $35 million by Medicare to 118 medical clinics that never existed.
6- $1.5 billion to the Muslim Brotherhood
This is just a drop in the bucket…..I want to get answers from our Congress how this passes. The obvious answer here is to return powers assumed by the Federal Government back to the States.
