Issue Position: Stopping Reckless Spending

Issue Position

Our federal government's spending over the last several years has ballooned out of control. Our national debt stands at an all-time high of more than $17 trillion. Scott Garrett recognizes that every dollar Washington spends is a dollar first earned by taxpayers. Since first going to Congress, Scott has worked tirelessly to end irresponsible spending, allow Americans to keep more of their hard-earned money, and force the government to live within a budget, just like taxpayers do.
Peter Vallorosi analysis:
Well at the time Scott posted his website the National debt was at $17 Trillion… is now $19 Trillion. In 2002 when Scott entered office as our Congressman from District 5 NJ, the National Debt was approximately $6 Trillion. In the 14 long years Scott Represented us in District 5 the Debt climbed from $6 Trillion to $19 Trillion. He wanted to Stop Reckless Spending but he didn't…………. So Scott FAILED
