Takai Votes Against Taking Healthcare from Americans

Press Release

Date: Jan. 6, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Mark Takai voted against a budget reconciliation bill that would repeal the Affordable Care Act and defund Planned Parenthood. This bill would take away affordable health coverage from 22 million Americans, and would strip away family planning services and life-saving cancer screenings from millions of women across the country.

"Congress should be working to create jobs and deliver bigger paychecks to hard-working Americans, not wasting time restricting women's access to health care and taking away affordable health insurance from hard working families," Takai said.

The reconciliation bill, which passed the House today 240-181:

Defunds Planned Parenthood, leaving millions of American women without key preventive health services -- including life-saving cancer screenings, well-woman exams, birth control and advice on family planning; and

Destroys the Affordable Care Act, dismantling the newfound health and economic security of millions of working families.

According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the Republican Reconciliation bill will take away health insurance from 22 million Americans after 2017.

With this bill, Congress has now voted 62 times to repeal or undermine the Affordable Care Act. In addition, it has now voted 11 times in the 114th Congress alone to disrupt women's access to affordable health care.

"In the New Year, Americans are clamoring for action from Congress to grow the economy, create jobs, and improve the lives of working families," Takai continued. "It is my hope that both parties can work together to make this year one of progress for the American people," Takai concluded.
