Forbes Introduces Resolution Urging Senate to Only Approve a Supreme Court Nominee Who Will Fight for the Constitution

Press Release

Date: Feb. 24, 2016
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Judicial Branch

Congressman J. Randy Forbes announced today that he has introduced a resolution (H.Res.615), urging the Senate to only consider a nominee to the Supreme Court with a proven record of adhering to the restraints placed on the federal judiciary by the Constitution, contending that the vacancy left on the Court should be filled with an individual who will uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States free from political bias or ideology. The resolution also expresses that the House of Representatives supports the Senate in its Constitutional duty to vet and approve any nominee to the Supreme Court put forward by the President.

"The Senate shares an equal Constitutional duty with the President in reviewing and approving nominees to the Supreme Court of the United States," said Forbes. "Justice Scalia's guiding principle in making any judicial decision was the Constitution. Period. I strongly urge my colleagues in the Senate to approve only a nominee who embodies the same courage and determination in adhering to the Constitution that defined Justice Scalia's legacy. At a time when many feel as if their country is slipping through their fingers, it is critical that the American people have the confidence that our Supreme Court Justices are bound not by politics or the agenda of an Administration, but by the Supreme Law of the Land."
