Honoring the Mission of the Space Shuttle "Columbia"

Date: Feb. 3, 2003
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Science


Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I join the majority leader in expressing, as he has, our heartfelt sympathy to the families of the astronauts, to NASA, to the people of Israel, and to all of those responsible as we contemplate the tragic loss.

There is no way one can adequately express in words the sense of sorrow, of regret that we would like to be able to convey to the families themselves. But as they contemplate these losses, we wish them great strength, strength in knowing that their loved ones committed themselves to a great cause, and, in so doing, created the path to a future that we will continue to celebrate.

Neil Armstrong, when he landed on the moon, made note of that fact that it was: One small step for man, one giant step for mankind. I believe these astronauts made one giant step for mankind—in better relations, in finding ways with which to pursue science so successfully; and, in so doing, it has created their footprints not only in the path once begun by the pioneers, such as Neil Armstrong, but that of future astronauts as well who will carry on this great experiment in space recognizing its importance to all of mankind.

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So as we contemplate this loss, we celebrate their lives, we celebrate their accomplishments, we celebrate the fact that they gave all they could for their country.

At times such as this, the word "hero" is appropriate. Indeed, they were just that; they were and are heroes, role models, committed Americans, patriots, and pioneers.

We thank them. We applaud their accomplishment. And we wish their families Godspeed during this difficult time.

I yield the floor.
