House Prioritizes National Security, Votes to Reform Visa Waiver Program


Date: Dec. 8, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 158, the "Visa Waiver Program Improvement Act," with overwhelming bipartisan support in its continued effort to prioritize national security. The legislation would implement numerous changes to the federal government's current visa waiver program -- including giving the Secretary of Homeland Security the authority to halt visa waiver admissions from any nation that refuses to share counterterrorism information, fails to screen travelers using INTERPOL data, or refuses to issue biometric e-passports to their citizens. Rep. Rob Woodall (GA 07) was a co-sponsor of the measure, and issued the following statement.

"The safety of the American people remains the number one priority -- and this bill is another important step in adapting to the evolving threats that exist. I was proud to partner with my colleagues as a co-sponsor of the "Visa Waiver Program Improvement Act,' and help push this bipartisan effort to keep Americans safe through the House. It is critical that we strengthen the security and screening measures for the visa waiver program, and allowing the Secretary of Homeland Security to suspend any nation that is not completely cooperative and forthcoming in every facet of the process moves the ball forward. There is more to do, however. I remain committed to working with those in the House to ensure any gaps in our nation's laws are closed, but ultimately ISIS and those who share their ideology must be defeated -- and the President must provide a clear strategy for doing just that."

Congressman Woodall represents the Seventh Congressional District of Georgia, which includes the majority of Forsyth and Gwinnett counties, and currently serves as Chairman of the Rules Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process, as well as serving on the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, and Budget Committee.
