Building Bridges to the Future


Date: March 16, 2016
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Elections

Thank you to the voters in the 2nd Illinois' Congressional District for nominating me as the Democratic candidate for the United States House of Representatives. The overwhelming turnout and the overwhelming vote in my favor over my three primary opponents is very humbling. I am honored to be the nominee of my party.

The next phase of work now begins.

Starting now, we must build bridges to the future and take down the walls of the past. But I need your help, not only to help reelect me in what will be a challenging general election, but to also elect strong Democrats on the national, state and local levels.

Elections are about the future. Our future -- and the future of our children and our communities -- hinges on improving the economic climate, aggressively tackling the public health threat of gun violence in America, providing access to high quality and affordable health care, ensuring pay equity, restoring voting rights, strengthening educational opportunities, along with advocating for veterans.

Together these critical goals can be accomplished. A contribution now of $10, $15 or any amount will help us continue to bridges to a better future.

Thank you again.
