Issue Position: Foreign Affairs

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

To ensure the safety and security of the American people, I believe that the United States must remain a strong global leader and maintain a robust foreign policy. It is vitally important to root out terrorism and promote democracy across the world. This includes our unwavering support for Israel, our strongest and most steadfast democratic ally in the Middle East. Moreover, we cannot be afraid to stand up to nations like Iran who aggressively sponsor terrorism and threaten us and our allies. To that end, I am fundamentally opposed to the Iran Nuclear Agreement because it does not prevent Iran from being able to obtain a nuclear weapon. Further, we should not give Iran greater access to both funds and arms by lifting sanctions in exchange for an inadequate deal.

Additionally, I fear that international organizations -- particularly the United Nations -- have the potential to force us to compromise our sovereignty as a nation. While it is important to find areas of agreement with the international community, we must not let them find a way to breach our constitutional protections. Therefore, I will support legislation that specifically prevents jurisdictional overreach from international organizations.
