Issue Position: National Security as a Priority

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

We cannot address illegal immigration until we control our borders. This is a situation where the chicken has to come before the egg and we simply must stop arguing about the egg until the border is secure.

Fences and walls and border checkpoints are not mean-spirited nor are they rare. Countries enforce their borders. It's one of the basic functions of government. How conservatives have ceded the high ground on this baffles me.

We need a pause in refugees from countries whose populations mean us harm. Our supposed allies in the Middle East should be the ones accepting refugees but they largely accept none. As with so many things, they leave the mess for us. That has to end.

We need to enforce our immigration laws rather than throwing up our hands and saying, as the President has, that there is nothing we can do about the problem.

Sanctuary cities that refuse to turn illegals over to federal law enforcement should lose their funding.
