Graham Boating Legislation Becomes Law

Press Release

Date: Jan. 4, 2016
Location: Panama City, FL
Issues: Transportation

Bipartisan legislation introduced by Representatives Gwen Graham and Garret Graves (R-LA) to renew the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund was passed into law as part of a larger transportation bill, this month.

Graham and Graves introduced H.R.3462 - Sport Fish Restoration and Recreational Boating Safety Act of 2015 - on September 9, 2015. The legislation ensures that taxes and fees already charged to fishermen and boaters are allocated to protect coastal environments, restore fisheries and improve boating safety. The bill specifically includes funds for state fishery commissions and the Coast Guard Recreational Boating Safety program.

"I understand how important fishing and boating are to North Florida, especially in Panama City and our coastal communities" Rep. Graham said. "Our legislation ensures that these funds go back where they belong -- to benefit the fishermen and boaters who pay them."

Since 2004, the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund has stocked more than 3.8 billion fish; built and improved 11,000 boat ramps and access sites; helped teach 4.7 million students aquatic education; and protected 63,337 acres of fish habitat. The legislation renews the trust for five years without raising any taxes or fees. It also provides states with more flexibility in how they are able to spend Boating Infrastructure and Clean Vessel Act grants. The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas, National Marine Manufacturers Association and the Angling & Boating Alliance all applauded passage of the legislation.

"This shows what can be done when Democrats and Republicans, fishermen and conservationists all work together on common sense legislation," Rep. Graham said. "We have a responsibility to keep our oceans healthy and safe for today's boaters -- and so that future generations can continue to enjoy our way of life for years to come."
