Issue Position: Fiscal Responsibility

Issue Position

There is no doubt that we must do more to reduce our debt and tackle the deficit, but we must do so with the right priorities and in a timely manner. Americans deserve the certainty of knowing their government will be funded and open tomorrow, next week, and next month. To accomplish this challenging but critical task, we must work together to identify long-term steps to counter growing spending while ensuring that we do not implement short-sighted reforms that hurt middle-class families or stifle our economic recovery.

The budget agreement achieved by Congressional leaders and the Obama administration in 2015 releases us from the unworkable sequester cuts and makes strong investments in areas that will create jobs and grow the economy. This bipartisan agreement to fund the federal government makes improved investments in housing, education, research, infrastructure, and arts programs. Furthermore, the bill did not include dangerous policy riders that would have harmed the environment, impeded Americans' retirement security, and denied access to health services for women. The final bill also included important safety investments in the Scoggins Dam and support for renewable energy industries.
