Hire More Heroes Act of 2015

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 3, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Transportation


Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Madam Chairman, I am offering this amendment on behalf of myself and as the designee of the gentlewoman from Texas, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

I wish to thank the chair and the ranking member of the Rules Committee for making this amendment in order.

I want to thank the Transportation and Infrastructure chairman, Bill Shuster, as well as the ranking member, Peter DeFazio, for their efforts to bring the Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act to the floor. I thank them for this opportunity to explain the Jackson Lee-Sewell amendment, which makes a good bill even better by ensuring that the national goals of strengthening our Nation's transportation and infrastructure is aided by innovation.

The Jackson Lee-Sewell amendment improves this good bill by ensuring that the goals of improving transportation efficiency and safety take into consideration the topic of rest stop and other parking and the topic of public safety.

This amendment seeks a public safety report to be provided to the House and the Senate Transportation Committees on the security of locations that are intended to encourage the public use of alternative transportation as well as personal transportation parking areas. More than 1 in 10 property crimes occurs in parking lots or in garages, and this study will provide an opportunity for Congress to do more to enhance the safety of parking areas that are used by the most vulnerable in our communities: students, women, seniors, the disabled, and other vulnerable members of the public.

The Jackson Lee-Sewell amendment will make surface transportation travel safer. More importantly, it will increase safety for the traveling public, especially for women, seniors, students, disabled persons, and children.

Madam Chairman, I ask my colleagues to support the Jackson Lee-Sewell amendment.

I reserve the balance of my time.


Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Madam Chairman, I am offering this amendment on behalf of myself and as the designee of the gentlewoman from Texas, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

Once again, I want to thank the chair and ranking member of the Rules Committee for making this amendment in order.

I thank the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee chairman, Bill Shuster, as well as the ranking member, Peter DeFazio, for their bipartisan work in bringing the Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act to the floor.

This Jackson Lee-Sewell amendment provides a report to Congress from the Secretary of the Department of Transportation on the Internet of Things, IoT, as to its potential to improve transportation services to the elderly and persons with disabilities as well as to assist local, State, and Federal transportation planners in achieving better efficiencies and cost savings by protecting privacy and the security of persons who use IoT technology.

The IoT refers to the wireless environment that will support the networking of physical objects--or things--embedded with wireless electronic components, software sensors, and network connectivity. The IoT will introduce the functionality of computing into physical space as computing technology is integrated into devices and systems.

This Jackson Lee-Sewell amendment will allow Congress to take into consideration how IoT technologies can be used to make public transportation safer and more convenient to the elderly and to the disabled and how it may improve mass personal transportation efficiencies.

This Jackson Lee-Sewell amendment will help ensure that we harness the benefit of the Internet of things for the traveling public and minimize the threats to privacy and cybersecurity presented by this new technology.

I include in the Record, first, an article entitled ``How the Internet of Things is Improving Transportation and Logistics'' and, secondly, an article entitled, ``Mapping IoT into Today's Urban Transportation Systems.''

