Culberson Statement on Metro Board Resolution Protecting Residents and Businesses along Richmond & Post Oak


Date: Nov. 11, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Transportation

Congressman John Culberson (TX-07) today released the following statement after Houston Metro approved a board resolution memorializing his agreement with Chairman Gilbert Garcia. This resolution will formally suspend the agency's attempts to build two unaffordable and unwanted light rail projects in Congressional District 7.

"My primary responsibilities as a congressman include protecting the taxpayers and protecting the quality of life in our neighborhoods. Since 2003 I have worked to protect residents and business owners in District 7 who have made very clear they do not want light rail built on Richmond and Post Oak. The rail lines are unwanted, unnecessary and unaffordable by Metro's own admission.

"A few months ago Metro Chairman Gilbert Garcia and I entered into an agreement in which we identified areas where we can work together to improve Houston's transportation system. This included a commitment from Metro that they will quit trying to build rail on Richmond and Post Oak unless voters approve those lines in the future as part of a very detailed regional transit plan. The ballot measure must tell voters specifically where Metro plans to build their rail lines and accurately detail the cost of the entire proposal.

"I am happy to see these very important, long-term reforms formally adopted today by the full Metro Board.

"I want to thank Chairman Garcia for working with me and agreeing to ensure that taxpayers and voters have the final say on when and where additional rail is built in Houston.

"Chairman Garcia is committed to making Metro more transparent and accountable, and I am especially pleased that our agreement will make Metro the first transit agency in America to require voter approval of a detailed transportation plan before they can move forward with construction.

"I will continue to work with city leaders, my colleagues in Congress, and the people of the 7th District of Texas to reduce traffic congestion and give Houstonians back more of their own time, while also protecting our hard earned tax dollars and the quality of life in our neighborhoods."
