Bilirakis Works To Protect Seniors from Fraud


Date: Oct. 23, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Today, the Energy and Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade held a hearing to examine ways to better protect seniors from harmful hackers, scams, and fraudulent activity.

With the growing amount of online activity, cyber security has become paramount. Seniors are particularly vulnerable to identity theft and financial scams. Members and witnesses discussed steps to ensure data is safe from bad actors.

"My district has over 150, 000 people aged 65 or older," said Congressman Gus Bilirakis. "Protecting our seniors from bad actors requires diligence and attention. These scams are serious and have very real consequences. In addition to this Congressional hearing, I have hosted Identity Theft Protection Seminars throughout my district with residents, law enforcement, and cyber security experts to give individuals and families the ability to better protect themselves and provide help in instances of hacking."

Congressman Bilirakis questioned the panel on the different tools and services available for seniors who have been victimized by these scams and sought answers about how witnesses are working to combat fraudulent behavior.

"We will continue to work with stakeholders to address this ongoing threat and protect all citizens," added Bilirakis. "I look forward to continuing our work on this important issue I appreciate the efforts of our witnesses here today."
