Congressman Ted W. Lieu Statement on Prop 49 Court Case

Press Release

By: Ted Lieu
By: Ted Lieu
Date: Oct. 6, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Elections

Today, Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) released the following statement in response to the California Supreme Court's hearing of oral arguments on the ballot eligibility of California Proposition 49. Prop 49 is an advisory question asking voters whether Congress should approve, and whether the California State Legislature should ratify, a constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United (2010) and other related judicial rulings.

On January 27, 2015, Congressman Lieu sent a letter to the Supreme Court of California in support of Proposition 49. The proposition was blocked from ballot consideration in the 2014 election by Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association v. Padilla, the case being argued today. While serving in the California State Senate, Congressman Lieu authored S.B. 1272, the State Senate version of the advisory question.

"I am hopeful that the outcome of today's arguments will finally allow California voters to have their say on Citizens United," said Congressman Lieu. "During my time in elected office, I have heard from countless Californians about the critical need to combat the enormous power that corporations now have in our elections. I am confident that Prop 49 would pass if it was put to the voters on next year's ballots. In the meantime, we must continue to work together and leave no stone unturned in the fight to get money out of politics."
