Issue Position: Creating Jobs

Issue Position

In order to get West Virginia moving again, Bill Cole understands West Virginia needs to build a modern economy that protects our vital industries and grows our economy to create new jobs. That starts with protecting and expanding our energy industry.

For generations West Virginia has powered America. And, President Obama and his EPA's War on Coal have devastated our communities and destroyed families. Ill-conceived liberal regulatory policies serve to create more and deeper pockets of poverty in our state rather than create and keep good-paying jobs. West Virginia has experienced a growth in our natural gas industry, and Bill Cole is committed to helping this key energy-producing sector grow.

Most of our jobs are created by small businesses. As a small business owner, Bill Cole knows the burden government places with high taxes, paperwork and compliance. West Virginia needs a small business focus within government so we can identify ways we can better serve our entrepreneurs and make things easier with the goal of lowering the cost West Virginia places on the risk takers who turn their vision into reality and create jobs.

One of the biggest failures of the last ten years is the waste of federal dollars and the inability to create a true statewide broadband network. Bill Cole will work with the federal government through public-private partnerships to develop a statewide broadband network to help businesses and put more technology in our classrooms.
