Airport Access Control Security Improvement Act of 2015

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 6, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Transportation


Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, as a senior member of the Homeland Security Committee, I rise to speak on H.R. 3102, the ``Airport Access Control Security Improvement Act of 2015,'' which amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to reform programs of the Transportation Security Administration, and streamline transportation security regulations.

The objective of the bill is to establish a risk-based, intelligence-driven model for the screening of employees at airports based on level of access and employment positions at domestic airports.

The model is intended to ensure that only those individuals authorized to have access to secure areas of a domestic airport are permitted such access.

The model must be able to differentiate between individuals authorized to have access to an entire secure area and those who are not permitted access.

The Director of the FBI and Director of the Aviation Security Advisory Committee are directed to review the disqualifying criminal offenses in the Code of Federal Regulations to determine the adequacy for an individual to have continued access to Secure Identification Display Areas of airports.

The review based on the current language of the bill would consider whether the list of disqualifying offenses should be amended to include other offenses.

As House Judiciary Committee's Ranking Member on the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Investigation, I am concerned that the bill contains this language.

At a time when we are discussing the rights of non-violent offenders to have an opportunity, if their conduct and records dictate to be able to fully reintegration into society, that there may be other efforts to make this process more difficult without a serious review of why such measures should be taken and for whom should they be applied?

I would offer to work with my fellow members on the House Committee on Homeland Security to consider carefully the reasons for any expansion on this list, especially if the expansion only involves the Department of Homeland Security.

There are similar concerns regarding language in the bill that may extend the period of time that may be considered between a particular situation and the life a person is currently leading.

Considering behavior of a teenager when considering the conduct of a 35 year-old adult, the weight of the consideration should be on the life of the adult and the seriousness of the offense.

Any new model that may be developed that would impact the employability of current persons who hold access credentials and future employees should be further reviewed by the full committee prior to becoming policy.

The bill's goals are important--the House should consider every aspect of airport security to improve aviation safety.

I will continue to work in my capacity on both the House Committee on Homeland Security and the House Committee on the Judiciary to improve aviation security.

[End Insert]
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the motion offered by the gentleman from New York (Mr. Katko) that the House suspend the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 3102, as amended.

The question was taken; and (two-thirds being in the affirmative) the rules were suspended and the bill, as amended, was passed.

A motion to reconsider was laid on the table.

