Rep. LaMalfa Supports Reconciliation to Roll Back Obamacare Mandate, Decrease Deficit

Press Release

Date: Oct. 23, 2015
Location: Washington, D.C.

Rep. LaMalfa today voted in support of a measure which repeals many Obamacare mandates and uses a procedural tactic to move the bill through the Senate. HR 3762 repeals the individual and employer mandate, the Independent Payment Advisory Board, and the medical device tax, as well as decreasing the budget by $79 billion. The bill was passed by the House on a vote of 240-189 and as budget reconciliation bill, the measure needs only 51 votes to pass in the Senate and be sent to the President's desk

"After several years, the impacts of Obamacare on the North State are clear: fewer doctors, higher insurance premiums, fewer choices, and decreased access to health care. We've acted today to roll back the costly mandates that have driven up costs and decreased access, and by using the tool of reconciliation we'll send this measure to the President's desk," said LaMalfa. "The debate is over, and it's time that Obamacare's supporters recognize the incredibly negative impacts this failed policy is forcing on Americans across the country."

Thanks to Obamacare, Northern Californians will be hit with premium increases of up to 29% this year. About 50 rural hospitals across America have closed, and over 280 more are now on the brink of closure. According to the Sacramento Bee, health care costs in Northern California are drastically higher than urban Southern California, for the exact same procedures. Finally, in much of the North State, costly Obamacare mandates have many residents with just one option for insurance, a plan that many doctors in the region won't even accept.
