Issue Position: Oppose Public Private Partnerships (P3s)

Issue Position

As an American and lifelong Republican, I am all for free markets and business success. What I do not stand for is propping up industries or companies that cannot survive and prosper on their own merits. If you succeed by building a better widget or offering a better service than your competitor, hats off to you. However, if your business model is based on deceit, spreading propaganda, and riding on the coattails of American taxpayers, shame on you.

Unfortunately for millions of Americans, the state is selling-out America's prime infrastructure assets to corporations and private entities looking to capitalize off of the public and America's infrastructure that was purchased, built and maintained with taxpayer funds.

Whether it is roads, water systems or utilities, corporations and private entities are pervasively colluding with politicians to garner the acceptance of Private Public Partnerships (P3s).

Private companies do not exist to give away goods or services. Their goal is to earn a profit and return substantial gains to their investors. That is a worthwhile goal from a business standpoint; however, it is a conflict of interest when companies are tasked with supplying essential public services.

In contrast, government services are designed to serve the public -- not profit from the public. You cannot serve the public's basic infrastructure needs in an equitable fashion if your primary goal is to make a profit.
