Messer Rallies at SCOTUS for Workplace Freedom

Press Release

Date: Jan. 11, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Luke Messer (IN-06) joined dozens of people to rally for workplace freedom as the Supreme Court heard opening arguments in the case Friedrichs v. California.

This case centers on lead plaintiff Rebecca Friedrichs. She is among a group of California teachers suing the California Teachers Association for having to pay certain union dues even though they do not belong to the union.

Right now, all workers, whether they live in a right-to-work state or not, have the option to leave their union. But, in non-right-to-work states, like California, employees can only opt out of paying the political portion of their dues. They must continue paying annual agency fees.

"Too many people like Rebecca are watching their paychecks used to advance a political agenda they don't support under the threat of getting fired," said Congressman Messer. "This is a true violation of her 1st Amendment rights. Our Founding Fathers ensured every American has the freedom of speech. And, in modern life, that right includes the right not to be forced to pay for political spending they disagree with. I hope the court keeps that in mind and rules in Rebecca's favor."

Central to Friedrichs' argument is that collective bargaining by unions, done in the public sector, is inherently political and government unions devote more resources to their political agenda than just the small portion of dues which goes directly to support political candidates or causes.

"There are many out there who would like to frame this case as anti-union," said Congressman Messer. "But, it's not about that. Indiana has been a right-to-work state for years. And, where unions truly add value, they can survive and thrive in a world where workers are given a true choice. This case is not the end of unions. But, when Rebecca prevails, it will be another important step toward true freedom for government workers across this country."
