McKinley Votes to Block Planned Parenthood Funding

Press Release

Date: Sept. 18, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Abortion

Today the House responded to the growing controversy over the trafficking in baby body parts by Planned Parenthood with a vote to place a moratorium on funding for Planned Parenthood. Rep. McKinley is an original cosponsor of the bill.

The vote on the Defund Planned Parenthood Act follows the revelation in a series of disturbing undercover videos that Planned Parenthood trafficks in body parts harvested from aborted babies. In the videos, Planned Parenthood officials and doctors imply they perform illegal partial-birth abortions to procure intact organs for profit.

"All Americans should take the time to watch these videos and see these horrific acts described in detail. The America I know and love is not this callous about human life, especially not the life of a child. Planned Parenthood's trafficking in body parts is abhorrent and they should not receive taxpayer support," said McKinley.

Planned Parenthood receives about half of its funding from the government, primarily through Medicaid. Today's legislation, H.R. 3134, would block funding from Planned Parenthood unless the affiliate sites certify they do not perform abortions. There is one Planned Parenthood facility in the state of West Virginia and 27 qualified community health centers.

Rep. McKinley also voted in favor of a bill that would protect children born-alive during an attempted abortion from further harm.

"It is clear these babies need better protection under the law. This bill will make stiffer criminal penalties for this disgusting and abhorrent act," said McKinley.
