Issue Position:Strengthening Families, Communities, & Values

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016
Issues: Abortion Marriage

Our nation can only be as strong and healthy as its marriages, families and communities. Together, family and community form the moral fabric of our nation, and strengthening these institutions must be reflected in public policy. Dr. Larry DiChiara strongly believes in the values that make America great--the values of faith, family, freedom and life.

Protecting Human Life and Defunding Planned Parenthood
Defending the born and the unborn is the responsibility and obligation of the federal government. Larry will champion restrictions on abortion clinics, remove loopholes that make them eligible for public financing and push for tougher laws requiring doctors to inform mothers of a baby's ability to
feel pain. He will fight to defund Planned Parenthood.

Defending Marriage
Larry has consistently supported defining marriage as a sacred union between one man and one woman. We must protect the sanctity of marriage from the activism of a liberal judiciary that is not accountable to voters.
