The News with Sen. Cruz - November 6, 2015


By: Ted Cruz
By: Ted Cruz
Date: Nov. 9, 2015

This week, I had the opportunity to shine light on multiple issues that have a tremendous impact on the American people. Not only did the Senate successfully pass legislation revoking the Obama Administration's "Waters of the United States" rule, an abusive and unconstitutional intrusion on hardworking families, I also continued fighting hard for Kate's Law on the Senate floor so that America's sons and daughters can feel safe from violent criminal illegal aliens.

Additionally, I was able to address the Obama Administration's failure to support American victims of terrorism and its scandalous targeting of innocent businesses and conservative groups.

While important steps have been taken this week, there is still much work to be done on behalf of Texans and American families. I remain committed to heeding the will of hardworking citizens in the Lone Star State.

Please keep reading for more updates on the latest in the Senate.
