Sen. Cruz Votes to Repeal Overreaching WOTUS Rule


By: Ted Cruz
By: Ted Cruz
Date: Nov. 4, 2015
Location: Houston, TX

Today, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) voted for Sen. Joni Ernst's (R-Iowa) S.J. Res. 22, which Sen. Cruz cosponsored with 48 of his colleagues. Passed 53-44, this measure nullifies the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers' "Waters of the United States" rule, which massively expands the scope of federal authority over land and waterways in the United States.

"I am pleased to join with my colleagues today to rein in one aspect of the Obama Administration's lawlessness. This Administration wages a war on jobs, making it more and more difficult for hardworking Americans to provide for their families. Today, we have sent a message to the President that enough is enough. The EPA's new WOTUS rule is unconstitutional, plain and simple. It is costly and tremendously harmful to families, farmers, and ranchers in Texas and across the country and would allow the federal government to determine what one can and cannot do with his or her own property," Sen. Cruz said.

"It also directly contradicts the legislative language in the Clean Water Act by expanding the EPA's and Army Corps' regulatory authority to unprecedented levels. Not only does the rule demonstrate the agencies' refusal to abide by the law, but also the unelected bureaucrats implementing this rule are ignoring the will of the people, who overwhelmingly want this abusive rule to be rescinded. The Senate has taken an important step in this effort. I encourage my colleagues in the House to bring S.J. Res. 22 up for a vote before Thanksgiving and hope the president will heed the will of the American people."
