Bill Bennett "Morning in America" - Transcript Excerpts: Rep. Black Laments "Despicable" Politicization of Colorado Springs Tragedy on Bill Bennett's Morning in America


Date: Dec. 2, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Abortion Guns

Today, Congressman Diane Black (R-TN-06), author of the House-passed Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015 and a member of the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives joined Bill Bennett's nationally syndicated "Morning in America" to discuss last Friday's tragic shooting at a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs and the baseless efforts by some to link this violence to the pro-life movement. A partial transcript of Rep. Black's interview is provided below, or to listen to the full interview click here.

On attempts by pro-abortion politicians and mainstream media figures to link Friday's violence to the pro-life movement:

"This is irresponsible what the left is doing in politicizing this. This is a deranged man who committed heinous murders . . . The pro-life movement is a compassionate movement. We respect life and the dignity of life, even for those who disagree with us. So in any way tying this to something that would be said is a pro-life responsibility is totally irresponsible and I am really offended by people using this as a political ploy. I hope that will stop but … folks who don't know what else to do with themselves will do this kind of thing and it's despicable."

On Planned Parenthood of Middle and East Tennessee President Jeff Teague's Incendiary Claim that Rep. Black and Pro-Life Members of Congress are Specifically Responsible for Friday's Attack:

"Frankly, he is factually incorrect in what he is saying. He called this continued, repeated "lies'. These are not lies. This is information that is from Planned Parenthood Federation [of America]. So when we talk about 327,000 abortions each year, when we talk about cancer screenings, adoption referrals, and prenatal care that are declining services there, and abortions are rising -- that $500 million in taxpayer dollars are funded each year for Planned Parenthood, these are all things that come from their own organization's annual report. So when he talks about this being false and "repeated lies' he needs to talk to his own organization -- his national organization. We are only out there telling the truth and standing up for what we believe is a value of life."

On the Future of the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives:

"We have been charged by Congress -- by a resolution. It is very clear in that resolution what our charge is. We're going to be looking at the abortion process, we're going to be looking at the procurement of fetal tissue, how the two fit together, and whether it is being done in a way that is legal and responsible. And we're going to move forward on that. This is not going to stop our investigation."

On How Pro-Lifers Can Respond to False Charges That Their Beliefs Have Incited Violence:

"We should never back down on wanting to be sure that we are doing the right thing in protecting life. We should never back down on that, no matter what the left does in politicizing something. Again, this is highly condemned by anybody who is a pro-life person. We condemn violence. Abortion is violence and we condemn violence and have a dignity of life -- born and unborn. But we also have a dignity for people that disagree with us. So I think you just use the facts. You don't back down from the moral obligation that we have in making sure that what is done here in this country is done with respect. So that is the way I will handle this."
