Billy Frank Jr. Tell Your Story Act heads to White House for President's signature


Date: Dec. 15, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Soon President Barack Obama is expected to sign the Billy Frank Jr. Tell Your Story Act into law, renaming the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge after the tribal leader and nationally known activist from the Pacific Northwest. The bill, H.R. 2270, advanced out of the House on November 30 by a vote of 413-2, and passed in the Senate on December 14 by unanimous consent.

"Billy didn't wait for change, or demand change, he created change," Rep. Denny Heck (WA-10) said. "He didn't just talk about the pollution the salmon face, or how the water is unclean, he developed solutions and found ways to get things done. This successful push to add his name to the cherished Nisqually Wildlife Refuge is a fitting tribute to a hero from the area who was never afraid of the work that goes behind every change we seek."
