Roe: Highway Bill Will Bring Much Needed Certainty to State and Local Governments


By: Phil Roe
By: Phil Roe
Date: Nov. 5, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Transportation

Today, Rep. Phil Roe, M.D. (R-TN) released the following statement after supporting the House-amended version of the Senate highway bill:

"I am thrilled to finally have the opportunity to vote for a long-term reauthorization of our highway programs, which will give our state and local governments certainty in planning for our infrastructure needs. After 35 short-term extensions since President Obama became president, the House and Senate have both passed their versions of a six-year highway bill. While this bill is imperfect, I strongly believe it's critical we move away from short-term extensions and give state and local governments the certainty they need to plan for their infrastructure needs. I look forward to reviewing the conference report, and I thank the House and Senate Transportation Committees for their work on this bill."
