Statement from Governor Hassan on Pan Am Proposal to Transload Propane


Date: Sept. 29, 2015
Location: Concord, NH

Governor Maggie Hassan issued the following statement on Pan Am's announcement that the company is considering transloading propane in downtown Portsmouth:

"Earlier today, I met with representatives from Sea-3 and expressed my concerns about Pan Am's proposal to transload propane in downtown Portsmouth, concerns that I have also conveyed to representatives of Pan Am. While propane is an important heating fuel in our state, we must ensure that it continues to be delivered to customers in the safest possible manner. New Hampshire has an excellent record of safe fuel delivery systems, and I strongly encourage Sea-3 and Pan Am to take all necessary steps to ensure the safe delivery of fuels to their customers. There are a number of public safety and environmental concerns around this issue that must be addressed through rigorous public processes at the local, state and federal levels, and I urge both companies to work within the state's regulatory structure in order to ensure that those concerns are addressed."
