Edwards Statement on Release of Trans-Pacific Partnership Text

Date: Nov. 5, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Trade

Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards (MD-4) issued the following statement after the text for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was released today. Rep. Edwards was one of 37 signatories on a bipartisan letter to President Obama calling for the immediate release of the full text of the TPP agreement.

"For years, this trade deal has been negotiated in secret. As details of the agreement emerged slowly, serious concerns were raised on numerous provisions within the agreement. With the full text finally released today, the public can see firsthand what the agreement means for the American people. My concerns remain as I continue to review the details. Indeed, it may indeed be worse than we thought. This TPP agreement appears to fall short in numerous ways, including a lack of enforceable workers' and human rights protections, environmental standards, enforceable currency manipulation rules, food safety standards, strong government procurement Buy American provisions, and enforcement to ensure American wages are protected.

"The American people deserve better and we can do better. I will continue to work with my congressional colleagues to defeat this TPP agreement so we can work on trade deals that benefit America's families and workers."
