Gov. Hickenlooper To Lead Global Trade & Investment Mission For Colorado


Date: Oct. 2, 2015
Location: Denver, CO
Issues: Trade

Gov. John Hickenlooper will lead a delegation of 52 Colorado business and academic leaders on a trade and investment mission to Japan, China, Turkey and Israel from Oct. 7-20, 2015. The tour will focus on connecting with global business and innovation leaders and exploring innovation networks, as well as enhancing the visibility of Colorado's business environment to current and potential investors.

"This mission will engage business, political and thought leaders to strengthen Colorado's relationships and support our efforts in developing unique economic opportunities to create and retain jobs," said Hickenlooper. "Creating deeper ties between these countries and Colorado allows us to also promote our state's innovative economy and business environment to potential foreign investors."

The mission is being organized by the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade. The four countries were targeted for as they represent markets with real growth potential for Colorado companies, and there are specific goals for each stop.
