Guthrie Comments on Budget Deal


Date: Oct. 28, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) issued the following statement after voting in support of the budget agreement reached between Congressional leadership and the White House:

"While far from perfect, this agreement puts an end to the period of governing by crisis and threats of government shutdown. I have serious concerns with the lack of transparency throughout this process, but this deal also ensures that the next time Congress negotiates a budget, it is without this Administration.

"This bill provides relief from the looming Medicare Part B premium increase that many Kentucky seniors were facing, institutes much-needed reforms to the Social Security Disability program, and offers certainty for the military.

"The bill will prevent the looming Medicare Part B premium spike from occurring, ensuring affected Kentucky seniors will not see a 50 percent increase in their premiums. I am disappointed, however, in the way the bill addressed this problem. While these affected seniors will avoid skyrocketing premiums, I am hopeful that Congress will take a closer look at the underlying policy that led to the premium spike.

"The Social Security Disability program faces looming shortfalls and is fraught with fraud and abuse. In addition to ensuring beneficiaries don't see a 20 percent cut in benefits, the bill strengthens penalties on disability fraud and expands their investigative capabilities to root out waste, fraud and abuse. These program integrity reforms will result in long-term savings in the Social Security program and protect precious taxpayer dollars.

"Defense funding is incredibly important given the growing threats that have emerged in the Middle East and around the world, including the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Representing Fort Knox and the surrounding communities, I am pleased that defense accounts have been increased to an appropriate level so that leaders can make plans for the next two years.

"I was also encouraged that a provision authorizing further spectrum auctions was included. This is an issue I have worked on in my capacity as Co-Chair of the Congressional Spectrum Caucus. These auctions will free up much needed spectrum, a crucial resource, while saving nearly $5 billion over 10 years. It will lead to great things for our first responders and innovators, and sets the stage for future auctions.

"While there were a number of positive provisions in this bill, as with any agreement there are areas which I would have preferred been addressed differently. I have serious concerns regarding the changes to crop insurance; however, I am encouraged by assurances that this issue will be addressed in the near future.

"Our country's runaway spending must be addressed, and while I am concerned about including a debt limit increase in the bill, the reforms contained in this bill are a step in the right direction. It is imperative that we re-evaluate our nation's borrowing and spending habits, and Congress will need to tackle these issues head-on over the next two years. I am optimistic that this deal will mean a return to regular order and an opportunity to address these top priorities."
