Statement on Former Speaker John Boehner

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 27, 2015
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the gentleman
from Ohio for spearheading this Special Order tonight and giving us the
opportunity to honor Speaker Boehner.

Part of his legacy and what I was told about Speaker Boehner before I
arrived here was his incredible honesty--honesty to all of us with whom
he worked and honesty to the American people--his humility, his sense
of humor, and his incredible patience.

I remember first coming into Congress in the 113th Congress and, in
fact, it was the Speaker's wife, Debbie Boehner, who became the mentor
to my husband, as a new congressional spouse. I was, quite frankly, a
bit terrified of the thought of my husband being assigned to the
Speaker's wife. However, they were perfect. They both enjoy an
incredible sense of humor, but they also ground us, and they remind us
what is important in life. I would like to thank Debbie Boehner for
sharing her husband and for sharing the father of their children with
the country all of these many years.

What the Speaker shared with all of us is he shared and taught all of
us about the importance of this institution, its rich history, and how
to serve the people of our districts with distinction and honor.
Although I am a Miami of Ohio grad, I have to admit, I enjoyed a common
bond with the Speaker in that my daughter played soccer for Xavier
University, and so it was fun to share that love of Xavier University
with him as well.

I would like to mention probably his last codel, or his last
congressional trip, and I was very honored to be asked to be a part of
it. It was this summer, and it was a codel to Eastern Europe, to
Lithuania, Finland, and Poland, most notably, and we ended in Ireland.
However, while we were in Eastern Europe, it was because of Speaker
Boehner that he showed the Eastern European countries how vitally
important it was that we stand with our allies against Russian

It was an honor to be a part of that trip because he demonstrated
America's leadership and commitment to freedom and ensuring that we
would stand with our friends and allies. It was an incredible learning
experience for me and the others on the trip.

When I think about the Speaker, he probably has worked harder than
anyone I will ever know to protect this institution. Although it is not
for much longer that we will call him Mr. Speaker, I will always admire
his steadfast commitment to protecting the American public and serving
our country.

I must share that one of the unique aspects of his leadership and
that of his terrific team which has surrounded him is they have done an
incredible job sharing his experience as leader with the American
public. Whether we have watched on YouTube or other ways a morning trip
to the diner for breakfast, fixing his lawnmower at home, carving the
turkey or, most importantly to him, the historic visit from Pope
Francis, he and his staff have done an excellent job of giving the
American public and the American people an inside look at the life of
John Boehner, the Speaker of the House.

He embodies the qualities of an American patriot. It has truly been
an honor to serve with him in the United States Congress. I am now so
pleased he will have the opportunity to enjoy being a new grandfather
and enjoy his children, Lindsay and Tricia, and of course his wife,
Debbie. He will very much be missed.

