Schakowsky Sends Letter to Chairman Chaffetz Urging Investigation Into Planned Parenthood Video Leak

Date: Oct. 27, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL-09), released the following statement after sending a letter to Rep. Jason Chaffetz (UT-03), Chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, urging him to launch an investigation into how video footage provided to the committee in response to a subpoena by the Center for Medical Progress was illegally leaked to the news agency

"Republican efforts to strip away women's right to choose and to give credence to the likely illegal actions of the Center for Medical Progress seemingly know no bounds. I am today calling on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz to investigate how sensitive video footage that was in the Committee's possession and protected by a court order not to be released was leaked to, which posted the footage on its website last week.

"That footage had been subpoenaed by Chairman Chaffetz, but Democratic staff has not been provided with a copy of the footage as required by the terms of the subpoena. While it is unclear exactly how the footage was leaked, founder Charles C. Johnson stated that it was obtained from a "high-ranking congressional staffer."

"The Center for Medical Progress undertook a three-year effort to discredit and mischaracterize Planned Parenthood, a trusted provider of women's health services. While there has been ample evidence that the videos released by the Center for Medical Progress have been doctored, there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood. Yet, House Republicans continue their attacks, including establishing a new select committee. We need an immediate investigation into how these tapes were leaked and an immediate end to this unjustifiable assault.
