Huelskamp Pushes to End Planned Parenthood's Black Market Fetal Trafficking Scheme


Date: July 16, 2015
Issues: Abortion

Today Congressman Huelskamp spoke out against the gruesome revelation that Planned Parenthood is engaging in the unlawful, barbaric practice of fetal tissue trafficking. He also announced impending congressional investigations that seek to bring an end to these horrifying abuses by the nation's largest, most profitable abortion business.

Here are excerpts from his statement:

"Earlier this year members of Congress stood on this House floor and condemned the evils of trafficking humans. Now we must urgently act again. Abortion giant, Planned Parenthood, has exposed itself as a perpetuator of another shocking form of trafficking -- the illegal selling and buying of baby body parts and intact organs. Planned Parenthood should not be allowed to profit off the death of its abortion victims by selling their organs to the highest bidder."

View the full floor speech Congressman Huelskamp gave today on fetal tissue trafficking here.

The Congressman has been a vocal supporter of efforts to end taxpayer dollars subsidizing Planned Parenthood, including his sponsorship of the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act .

He also publicized the investigative Report by the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office (FAO) that revealed more than $500 million government dollars -- federal, state, and local funds -- are annually flowing into their already massive coffers, plus fraudulent Medicaid claims, cover-up of rape and incest, and violations of the Hyde Amendment. This week he also signed on to a Duffy-Wagner letter requesting Congressional investigations into Planned Parenthood's practices as well as any incentives created by NIH funding for research using body parts of unborn, and companies that "broker fetal tissue."

Additionally, Congressman Huelskamp is a sponsor of the bipartisan Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36), which passed the House in May by a vote of 242-184. HR 36 prohibits in most cases the abortion of unborn children at 20 weeks of age or older, the age at which medical science has definitively concluded unborn babies are capable of feeling pain.
