Congressman Lowenthal Votes To Keep Government Open


Date: Sept. 30, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Alan Lowenthal today issued the following statement on the passage of a continuing resolution funding bill by the House of Representatives, which passed the House today by a bipartisan vote of 277-151:

"I am extremely disappointed that once again Congress finds itself solving our government's funding issues with a short-term fix--this time for less than three months. This is not how our government is supposed to work and Congress has a responsibility as the representatives of the people to pass long-term funding solutions that lift the specter of uncertainty from the federal government's finances.

"While I am pleased that the Continuing Resolution (CR) did not contain language to defund Planned Parenthood, I am disappointed that the CR makes across-the-board cuts to meet sequester funding levels and does nothing to extend the 50-year-old Land and Water Conservation Fund that is a critical part of preserving our national parks and other public lands.

"Despite my disappointment, however, I chose to vote for this CR to keep the government open and avoid a painful shutdown.

"While my constituents, along with millions of Americans, can breathe a small sigh of relief, it is only a small one. We face the same threat of shut down in just over two-months' time. It is frustrating to be repeatedly pushed to the edge of a cliff and asked to look into the abyss. We all need to step back and find a rational and measured solution to these budget issues.

"Families, students, veterans, and businesses--just about every American--remain at risk of losing critical services if the government shuts down."
