Santorum Responds to Davis Being Held in Contempt in Kentucky


Date: Sept. 3, 2015
Issues: Religion Marriage

Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) issued the following statement in response to Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis being held in contempt and being taken into custody for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses in Kentucky.

Rick Santorum said:

"I have great respect for Ms. Davis' and her courage to stand up for her faith. In America we should not have to choose between keeping our job and practicing our faith. Today only reinforces my belief that the First Amendment Defense Act must be passed now at both the Federal and state level. More and more people of faith will face the penalties Ms. Davis is now encountering if we do not make the necessary accommodations so people can not just worship but live out their faith in their lives. That is why I am committed to enacting the First Amendment Defense Act's provisions by executive order on my first day in office and I will urge Congress to pass it during my first 100 days."
