Suicide Prevention

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 29, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Veterans

Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, as this Suicide Prevention Month comes to a close, I believe it is crucial we remain committed to all suicide prevention efforts. We must continually ask ourselves: Are we doing enough when it comes to addressing mental health and suicide in our Nation? I don't think so.

As vice chairman of the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, I know that this issue is especially important for our Nation's heroes. Recent data has shown that every day in this country approximately 18 to 22 veterans take their own lives. This statistic answers the question I posed earlier. It is obvious more needs to be done.

My COVER Act addresses suicide prevention for veterans by promoting access to better alternative complementary mental health treatments. While traditional forms of therapy may work for some, tailoring therapies to the veteran and finding the balance between traditional and complementary alternative treatments could be the difference in saving lives.

The COVER Act passed the House several weeks ago. I encourage my Senate colleagues to do the same in the Senate so we can get it to the President's desk for his signature.
