Issue Position: Taxes & Economy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2015
Issues: Taxes

I believe the U.S. tax code is overly-complex and can be very frustrating. I am in favor of tax reform, and I will continue to support measures to reduce the overwhelming tax burden carried by American workers, their families, and small businesses. I believe we must enact tax reform and put in a place a simpler, fairer system that encourages savings, investment and economic growth. I will not support legislation that raises taxes for hardworking Americans.

I am a cosponsor of legislation that would reform the tax code, including H.R. 27, the Tax Code Termination Act, which would repeal the current tax code by December 31, 2019, and require Congress to pass a new tax code by July 4, 2019. I am also a cosponsor of H.R. 25, the Fair Tax Act, which would repeal the income tax, the employment tax, and estate and gift tax and impose a national sales tax.
