Sanctuary Cities Do Not Deserve Federal Funding


By: Ted Yoho
By: Ted Yoho
Date: July 23, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Immigration

Congressman Ted S. Yoho (R-FL-03) voted in favor of H.R. 3009--Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities Act. The bill will amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to stop funding to a city or locality if it has any law or policy that prevents communication with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), or another government entity, regarding an individual's immigration or citizenship status. Congressman Yoho gave the following statement after his vote:

"I have long said that immigration policy in America is broken and needs to be fixed. The tragic death of Kate Steinle at the hands of undocumented immigrant Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez -- who was previously deported five times -- only confirms this and should infuriate the nation.

"Before her senseless death, the San Francisco Police Department was holding Lopez-Sanchez for criminal charges. However, since San Francisco is a "sanctuary city,' it released him -- ignoring repeated requests for cooperation from federal immigration officials.

"The Obama Administration clearly has no intention of enforcing current immigration laws, securing our borders, or holding these sanctuary cities accountable. These cities, which blatantly refuse to recognize federal law, should not be allowed to receive taxpayer dollars. If the President will not hold them accountable then Congress will use the power of the purse to do so. This bill, which I am a proud original cosponsor of, will do exactly that.

"Congressional leadership of both parties needs to stop treating immigration reform like a third rail and address these issues head on. For too long we have heard, "now is not the right time.' When is the right time? The more Congress sweeps immigration reform under the rug, the more our country's national security, economy, and citizens suffer from government inaction."
