Issue Position: Great Lakes

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2015
Issues: Environment

One of Western New York's greatest assets is its proximity to Lake Erie. The Great Lakes are a unique national treasure with global significance, containing 20% of the world's supply and 95% of America's supply of surface freshwater. They are also a vital engine of economic activity -- supporting 1.5 million jobs, $62 billion in wages, a $7 billion fishery, and providing clean, affordable hydroelectricity. As a member of the Congressional Great Lakes Task Force, protecting the health of the Great Lakes is one of Brian's most important priorities. Brian is one of the most vocal supporters of efforts to protect and preserve the Great Lakes, including the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and other programs. Brian has also introduced H.R. 600, the Great Lakes Nutrient Removal Assistance Act, which would provide funding to update wastewater treatment plants with nutrient removal technology to keep nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen, which can lead to harmful algal blooms, out of the Great Lakes.
