Sarbanes Statement on Governor Hogan's Transportation Funding Proposal


Date: June 26, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman John Sarbanes (D-Md.) released the following statement today after Governor Larry Hogan announced new transportation funding for Maryland's highways, roads, railways and other infrastructure:

"Mass transit is critically important for economic development, bolstering educational opportunities and improving quality of life. Both the Purple Line and the Red Line are worthwhile investments, as evidenced by the Federal Transit Administration's decision to offer federal funds for each project after a national competition. While I am pleased that there appears to be a path forward for the Purple Line, I am disappointed that the Governor's transportation plan pulls back state funding for the Baltimore Red Line, which would help connect West and East Baltimore. If we want to lift up Baltimore's communities and provide them with the economic and educational opportunities they deserve, we need to develop a more robust and modern transportation network throughout the city. The Red Line would generate construction jobs in the near term and connect Baltimore workers to growing job markets over the long term. I would encourage the Governor to reconsider his decision to abandon the Red Line."
