Issue Position: Plastic Guns

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2015
Issues: Guns

Banning Plastic Gun Components

Rep. Israel is calling for a revamp of the Undetectable Firearms Act. Currently the law has a loophole that allows for fully plastic guns with easily removable metal pieces. In less than a second these guns can be transformed from fully legal guns that can be detected by metal detectors and xray machines, to illegal guns that can be totally undetectable.

Rep. Israel introduced H.R. 3463, the Undetectable Firearms Modernization Act, on December 3, 2013. The bill would make it illegal to manufacture, own, transport, buy, or sell any firearm that does not have at least one major component that is fully detectable by metal detector and/or does not present an accurate image when put through an x-ray machine. The bill defines major component as the reciever, barrel, and slide or cylinder of a firearm. The reauthorization would also extend the life of the law for another 10 years from the date of enactment.
