Enzi: Final Authority on Trade Deal Stays with Congress

Press Release

Date: April 23, 2015

The Senate Finance Committee passed the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 (TPA) Wednesday. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., voted for the bill and believes the legislation would help boost Wyoming/American exports and benefit workers and job creators.

"If you don't trust this president to negotiate a positive trade deal for the U.S., you can still be OK with this bill because it cements Congress' final authority," said Enzi. "Trade is about helping our country's businesses and industries gain access to new markets. Good trade deals mean more Wyoming jobs, more American jobs and a better economy. This legislation puts us in a position to seek these good trade deals."

Enzi refuted claims that the bill would outsource Congress' trade authority to the executive branch.

"I'm every bit as upset as the next person by this Administration's power grabs. The reluctance of the previous Senate majority to stand up for this body's authority was shameful, but we have a new Senate majority and this trade bill is different," Enzi said. "This bill makes clear that trade agreements cannot and will not change U.S. law without congressional action. We've included language in this bill that says no trade agreement can go into force without final congressional approval."
