VA Accountability Act of 2015

Floor Speech

Date: July 29, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Veterans


Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Chairman, I rise today to support the VA Accountability Act. The brave women and men who return from serving our country should be able to receive timely access to quality care. Our veterans have earned our respect and admiration.

In general, I believe that most employees at the VA are dedicated to our Nation's heroes. However, a culture of mediocrity has permeated the VA. Too many employees who perform terribly are not fired.

This bill before us today will allow the VA Secretary to fire employees more easily, but the heart of this issue is about the quality of care for veterans. If bad actors stay at the VA, that hurts veterans.

Opponents speak in hypotheticals, but hypotheticals mean nothing in the face of overwhelming evidence. We know about the real negligence that goes on unpunished. This is a disservice to those who have borne the battle.

The Washington Post reported on a VA employee who took a veteran seeking treatment for drug abuse to a crackhouse in a government vehicle and left the veteran there overnight. Sadly, it took over a year to fire that employee. That is inexcusable.

According to the VA data given to the committee, only three VA employees have been fired since the Arizona wait time scandal, specifically for data manipulation. That is unreasonable.

This bill is needed because our Nation's heroes deserve better. That is the bottom line. We must protect our veterans. Support this bill.

