Senators Warren, Crapo Introduce Bipartisan Bill Calling for Energy Efficiency Study

Press Release

Date: May 19, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Mike Crapo (R-ID) have introduced a bipartisan bill directing the U.S. Department of Energy to quantify the cost savings from operational energy efficiency technologies in an effort to increase public and private use of these technologies, without creating any new programs or increasing government spending.

"Energy efficiency technologies help protect the environment, save companies' and taxpayer money and create new jobs," said Senator Warren. "We know this technology works, and I'm pleased to offer this bipartisan bill with Senator Crapo, which will document the cost savings and help increase its use in both the public and private sectors."

"Increasing our nation's energy efficiency must remain a high priority," said Senator Crapo. "This bill will help encourage greater industry participation by proving that the savings are real through an accurate cost-benefit analysis."

Operational energy efficiency technologies allow manufacturing and other facilities to monitor their energy use and operate at optimal efficiency. The Department of Energy's quantification of energy and cost savings through this study will help encourage industry to embrace these cost-saving energy efficiency tools.
