Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Choice Improvement Act of 2015

Floor Speech

Date: July 30, 2015
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, I unequivocally support the passage of a 3-month extension to the Federal highway program. I would like the Record to reflect my support for the 3-month extension, as well as for a long-term highway bill. Unfortunately, I will be notably absent for the vote on the 3-month extension--but not without just cause. A week ago today, Lafayette, LA--a vibrant, wonderful city in the heart of Acadiana--was rocked by a senseless tragedy that took the lives of two of its residents. I believe it is imperative Louisianians come together as a community, and I will be in Lafayette today to stand with and support family members of the victims. Earlier today, the Senate passed its version of the highway reauthorization bill, known as the DRIVE Act. With the passage of the DRIVE Act and the 3-month extension today, the Senate has laid the foundation for Members of both Chambers to work together and produce a long-term highway reauthorization bill.

