Lummis Defeats Attempt to Strip Wyoming Wolf Fix

Press Release

Date: July 8, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Today U.S. Representative Cynthia Lummis joined a bipartisan majority of her colleagues, 243-186, to vote down an amendment designed to strip gray wolf language from H.R. 2822: the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for FY 2016. Along with a bipartisan group of Members of Congress from the Western Great Lakes region, Rep. Lummis helped write and secure this language to restore the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's decisions to return management of the gray wolf to the State of Wyoming and the states in the Western Great Lakes region. The provision also ensures that these science-based decisions are protected from further litigation.

"Despite the naysaying of groups who have made a business out of litigating on species like the gray wolf, the science has spoken: wolves in Wyoming and the Western Great Lakes are recovered and will remain so under the capable management of the states," said Rep. Lummis. "I am pleased to be part of this bipartisan effort to uphold this true conservation victory and am grateful to my colleagues for joining me to vote down this senseless attack. It is time we treated this as the recovery win it is and return management of the wolf to the states."
