Woodall Co-Sponsors Resolution Opposing Iran Nuclear Weapons Agreement


Date: July 17, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Representative Rob Woodall (GA 07) has co-sponsored H. Res. 367 expressing strong opposition to an agreement reached by the Obama Administration, China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany, (P5+1 nations) and Iran regarding Iran's nuclear weapons program. He issued the following statement in response.

"The consequences of a bad deal with Iran are far greater for Israel, the United States and our allies throughout the region than no deal at all -- and this is unfortunately a bad deal -- which is exactly why I joined over 150 of my colleagues in co-sponsoring H. Res. 367 to send a strong message to this Administration," said Rep. Woodall. "When economic sanctions were initially put in place, they were in response to the Iranian government's role in state-sponsored terrorism, innumerable human rights violations, and its history of deceptive activity to obtain nuclear weapons. These sanctions were intended to motivate change in a dangerous regime so that one day new leadership could sit at the table with civilized nations as a trusted partner. Iran's record shows that they are indeed not ready for that partnership and the agreement reached by the President and his team ensures that those fundamental objectives will never be accomplished. Rather than strike a deal granting billions of dollars in sanctions relief that will help pave the way for Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon in the future, the President should be focused on convincing the other P5+1 nations that the original goal of the sanctions was right, and we must stay the course until Iran shows that it can be a trusted global participant."
