Coats Amendment Included in Bill Authorizing Funding for Our Nation's Military

Press Release

Date: June 18, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Senator Dan Coats (R-Ind.) today voted for the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which included an amendment he introduced to address the Department of Defense's (DOD) current policy of not allowing active duty flag and general officers to visit Taiwan.

Currently, DOD relies on retired flag and general officers to visit Taiwan in order to appease China. It is difficult for military officials in both Taiwan and the United States to discuss contingency responses when active duty U.S. generals and flag officers are not able to meet regularly with their Taiwanese counterparts.

"I do not believe in tying the military's hands, but I do believe it important for the Senate to express concern about the current policy of refusing to allow these exchanges," said Coats. "The armed forces of Taiwan are a very valuable partner of the United States military. Without visiting Taiwan, active duty American personnel are not able to familiarize themselves with Taiwan's command centers, terrain and operational capabilities."

Coats said a change in the present policy will encourage Taiwan to make increased investments in its national defense, especially in light of belligerent behavior demonstrated by China.

"Active duty U.S. generals and flag officers have to be able to visit Taiwan and see its military in action in order to gain a better understanding of Taiwan's armed forces and the weapons they require for self-defense," said Coats. "My proposal simply states that the Department of Defense should undertake a program of senior military officer exchanges with Taiwan but does not require such exchanges."

The NDAA, which included the Coats proposal, passed the Senate this afternoon by a vote of 71 to 25.
